Virtual On-Line Training & Teaching

Teachers helping teachers with technology



As part of its committment to being completely current with online learning practices, VOLTT continually searches for resources that will enable us to create online courses that will serve teachers, administrators, and students across the country. The "suggested resources" listed below are only a few of the well-read books in our library.


Computers as Mindtools for Schools: Engaging Critical Thinking
David Jonassen
Pennsylvania State University
Merril/Prentice Hall
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey

Smart Schools: Better Thinking and Learning for Every Child
David Perkins
The Free Press
Simon and Schuster, Inc.
New York, New York

Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace: Effective Strategies for the Online Classroom
Rena M Palloff & Keith Pratt
Jossey-Bass Publishers
San Fransisco, California

The Curriculum Studies Reader
Editors: David J Flinders & Stephen J Thornton
New York, New York

Educator's Guide to the Web
Bernard Robin, Elissa Keeler, & Robert Miller
Henry Holt & Company, Inc
New York, New York

Learning Networks
Linda Harasim, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Lucio Teles, & Murray Turoff
The MIT Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts

No Contest: The Case against Competition
Alfie Kohn
Houghton Mifflin Company
New York, New York

The Online Teaching Guide
Ken W. White & Bob H. Weight
Allyn and Bacon
Boston, Massachusetts

Teachers and Machines: The Classroom Use of Technology Since 1920
Larry Cuban
Teachers College Press
Columbia University
New York, New York

Teaching and Learning in the Information Age: A Guide to Educational Telecommunications
Lynne Schrum & Boris Berenfeld
Allyn and Bacon
Boston, Massachusetts

